We've all experienced starting at a new workplace and being completely overwhelmed. Not knowing who to speak to or where to go to for #information.
This has become a lot harder with #hybrid, but there is one simple thing you can do to make it easier for you and your newbie...
Document where you find and store information
This document should include both people, business areas and locations. For example, you may need to reach out to a person in marketing on occasion and also source marketing templates from your company's Intranet. Include all of that. Think:
Links to resources
Departments you engage with and your key contacts there
External sources you use
Where your team files are stored
Once it's created...
You now have a document your new recruit can use as part of induction
At the start of a new gig it's mainly conversations and searching through information, such as a company intranet. In those first few weeks it should be part of your new team members role to use your document as a guide to find information.
You may be thinking, I don't have enough time to document everything before they start. Yes it takes time, but getting new recruits across where they need to source and save information is going to be the best way to bring them on board. The great thing is, if you are really short on time, it doesn't have to be super detailed or even complete because here's the the cheeky bit...
Get your new recruit to fill in missing details
They’re trying to absorb as much info as they can so why not give them a task while they're doing it right?
In those first few weeks it should be part of their role to not only use your doc as a guide to find information but also make any updates they find along the way. The benefit of having someone new add to the document is they come with fresh eyes and will be able to see the things you take for granted. The added bonus is...
You now have a document that can be used by the whole team
Most team members have pockets of knowledge - no one knows everything. You now have a handy reference that can be used by the whole team when sourcing information. Plus it's ready for you the next time you #onboard a new team member.
If you're keen to actually give this a go I have a template for you to take and start to use with your team: https://links.kirstydesignsinfo.com.au/infosources